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RE: [OFBiz] Users - would like to change the, contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz

Posted by Andrew Sykes on Sep 01, 2005; 6:09pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/RE-OFBiz-Users-would-like-to-change-the-contentmanagementcomponent-of-OfBiz-tp135756p135757.html


I've never seen Alfresco before, it is pretty damn good isn't it!

I really like the desktop integration and version management. I'm
downloading it now to have a look in a bit more detail.

Of course the focus of what we've been looking at is templating and
publishing websites, do you know anything about it's ability to do this
kind of thing - I know it doesn't take much of a leap of imagination to
see it in that role, but it would be nice to see a demo...

Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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