[OFBiz] Users - Iterating through version 3.1.0 services
Posted by
Leon Torres-2 on
Sep 01, 2005; 6:03pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Iterating-through-version-3-1-0-services-tp135762.html
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to get the list of all available services from ofbiz 3.1.0 in
beanshell for indexing purposes. The latest APIs allow one to accomplish
this by doing the following,
dispatchContext = dispatcher.getDispatchContext();
serviceNames = dispatchContext.getAllServiceNames();
However, the getAllServiceNames() method doesn't exist in ofbiz 3.1.0, so how
should I be doing it?
- Leon
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