Re: [OFBiz] Users - Iterating through version 3.1.0 services
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Leon Torres-2 on
Sep 01, 2005; 6:19pm
Aha, I found out how. I simply "backported" the getAllServiceNames method
and recompiled for my purposes. It seems to work. Sorry about bugging the
list. :-)
- Leon
> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to get the list of all available services from ofbiz 3.1.0 in
> beanshell for indexing purposes. The latest APIs allow one to accomplish
> this by doing the following,
> dispatchContext = dispatcher.getDispatchContext();
> serviceNames = dispatchContext.getAllServiceNames();
> However, the getAllServiceNames() method doesn't exist in ofbiz 3.1.0, so
> how
> should I be doing it?
> - Leon
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