Re: [OFBiz] Users - would like to changethe contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz
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Rohit Rai on
Sep 01, 2005; 8:11pm
Hello all,
The AJAX idea seems sensible, but I can imagine it would be very easy to
get bogged down with this. Perhaps it would be more sensible to follow a
more traditional route in proof of concept and adding AJAX style
features later. The reason I suggest this is that there would be a
mountain of javascript involved (I assume) but javascript on it's own is
not going to get the job done. I would imagine it would be easier to
write javascript once it was more apparent how the CMS actually
I think we can directly go in with Ajax. I have spent last one whole day and night studying this thing and there are pretty stable JSP Tags with inbuilt AJAX and also toolkits allowing you to simplify the dev with AJAX available. Will write about my study on that tommorow.
>From my experience of CMS systems, it would be adequate to leave
template design as a programmer job. I have recently been looking at
Mambo with Si, although not the most exemplar CMS it does seem popular
despite requiring the user to resort to code for a new template (there
is a Dreamweaver plugin to make the job a little easier though).
Yes I too have used Mambo and will sya it is one of the best CMS. But then I suggest that template designing should be as simple as possible. May be we use some Java equivalent of PHPtemplates or Smarty (They are there for PHP). That will seperate out the View totally from Model and Control. May be it can be worked out with one of the standards like Struts, JSF or something else. I state I think. Not actually used them.
In terms of providing users with a WYSIWYG editor, there are a few out
there and indeed I have already added FCKEditor to the catalog for one
Yes, Definetely we need to have an Online WYSIWYG Editor. We have many open source things availble including FCKEditor and HTMLArea.
I've never seen Alfresco before, it is pretty damn good isn't it!
I really like the desktop integration and version management. I'm
downloading it now to have a look in a bit more detail.
It really looks Cool. Will be studying it after two days. Working on a Project for now . . .
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