sluggish" it should probably be "too damn sluggish". I hear you on
initialization times for example...).
> Hi! Jacques,
> I am sorry! Either we have got too much communication difference or
> probably I am just too bad at english. I just don't get the point
> you are trying to put. last time I messed up this time I don't want
> to. So I will appreciate if you could be more specific.
> Actually, I was going to write more on this point today cause was
> busy on a project yesterday.
> Lazslo, is basically a presentation server that takes in XML input
> and gives out output in Flash. We were trying to make a RIA
> Generator as part of our R&D effort. That time I got to work with
> Lazslo. We have made a basic Java Application that takes in User
> Input as the data he wants to maintain and give the O/P in form of
> Lazslo XML files (.lzx) The process is very easy, specifically due
> to the fact that the LZX files are true XML files with predefined
> Lazslo tags.
> The problem with this is. The Lazslo Presentation Server on Windows
> XP running on a Intel PIV 2.2Ghz with 256 MB DDR RAM takes around
> 8-10 mins to start and around 15 mins to actually deliver the first
> page. Also whenever you veisit a page for the first time there is a
> overhead of about 3 mins.
> As compared to Ofbiz (Which runs pretty perfectly even on my
> Thinkpad) LPS is too much overload. Once I run LPS on the ThinkPad
> I am not able to even work on it. Its damn too sluggish.
> The second point is it generates Flash O/P which can be only veiwed
> with the Flash plugin. While Ofbiz in current form can be used even
> in the Basic browsers and even applying AJAX will mean
> compatibility with most of the browsers.
> I hope that explains the point I was mentioning there quite well.
> In any further queries you can ask me. Also you can have a look at
> our project at>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Jacques Le Roux <
[hidden email]>
> To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion <
[hidden email]>
> Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 13:04:08 +0200
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to
> changethe,contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz
> >Lazslo: I have worked with that thing. Our company has open source
> the
> project to make RIA using Laszlo server. Out of experience I can
> say, it
> would not be suitable for use with Ofbiz becuase the LPS >is huge
> and too
> heavy. Though the language used to describe the UI is XML, the O/P
> is flash.
> I think we should remain more cross platform using AJAX stuff.
> There is also
> another option to Lazslo i.e. >WebORB but it too has the same
> problems.
> Thanks Tohit for this information, many people are asking
> themselves about
> this point !
> Jacques
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