Posted by
Jacques Le Roux on
Sep 03, 2005; 12:04pm
>Lazslo: I have worked with that thing. Our company has open source the
project to make RIA using Laszlo server. Out of experience I can say, it
would not be suitable for use with Ofbiz becuase the LPS >is huge and too
heavy. Though the language used to describe the UI is XML, the O/P is flash.
I think we should remain more cross platform using AJAX stuff. There is also
another option to Lazslo i.e. >WebORB but it too has the same problems.
Thanks Tohit for this information, many people are asking themselves about
this point !
----- Original Message -----
From: Rohit Rai
[hidden email]
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 12:52 AM
Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to
changethe,contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz
Andrew, thanks for reminding me to publish this.
I have collected info about seven toolkits, You can find it from my blog at, pretty long to put in mail. Also got a
PDF file to download from there.
Personally I find DWR & AjaxTags quite promising. Please read the stuff out
and tell me what you think. I am mailing you the PDF.
Late entry: Java webparts, looks quite
intresting too.
There was one thing I went through when reading the messages Jaques
Lazslo: I have worked with that thing. Our company has open source the
project to make RIA using Laszlo server. Out of experience I can say, it
would not be suitable for use with Ofbiz becuase the LPS is huge and too
heavy. Though the language used to describe the UI is XML, the O/P is flash.
I think we should remain more cross platform using AJAX stuff. There is also
another option to Lazslo i.e. WebORB but it too has the same problems.
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