Posted by
David E. Jones on
Sep 03, 2005; 1:28pm
I just committed some changes in the ProductPrice table and the way
calculateProductPrice works (rev 5638).
In the past we had an over-use of the productPriceTypeId and have
come up with a need to use some of those other price types, but along
with the price calculation and such. The solution is to introduce the
concept of the ProductPricePurpose, so we have a new table for that
and a new field on the ProductPrice entity for the
Previous calculated prices are now considered to have the PURCHASE
purpose, and for the calculateProductPrice service if you don't pass
in the purpose you want it defaults to PURCHASE. Some previous
ProductPriceTypes are no longer used as such and are now
ProductPricePurposes, namely RECURRING_CHARGE, USAGE_CHARGE, and
COMPONENT_PRICE. The real driving force behind this change is a need
to support price calculation for RECURRING_CHARGE and
COMPONENT_PRICE, and other custom or future price purposes.
NOTE: this did require a primary key change for the ProductPrice
table, the calculateProductPrice service will still support a null
productPricePurposeId so that after an upgrade the whole system won't
be useless, but that table or the pk on that table should be rebuilt
right away for this change. All ProductPrice seed data has been
updated to support this change.
DOUBLE NOTE: if you are using COMPONENT_PRICE type prices you'll need
to change those prices (or create equivalent new ones) such that the
productPricePurposeId=COMPONENT_PRICE and the
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