Re: [OFBiz] Users - Change to ProductPrice to support ProductPricePurpose
Posted by
Peter Goron on
Sep 07, 2005; 2:30pm
ProductPrice of GZ-KIT and GZ-BASKET products have not been updated that
prevent loading of DemoProduct.xml file during run-install (svn 5562).
Le samedi 03 septembre 2005 à 13:28 +0100, David E. Jones a écrit :
> I just committed some changes in the ProductPrice table and the way
> calculateProductPrice works (rev 5638).
> In the past we had an over-use of the productPriceTypeId and have
> come up with a need to use some of those other price types, but along
> with the price calculation and such. The solution is to introduce the
> concept of the ProductPricePurpose, so we have a new table for that
> and a new field on the ProductPrice entity for the
> productPricePurposeId.
> Previous calculated prices are now considered to have the PURCHASE
> purpose, and for the calculateProductPrice service if you don't pass
> in the purpose you want it defaults to PURCHASE. Some previous
> ProductPriceTypes are no longer used as such and are now
> ProductPricePurposes, namely RECURRING_CHARGE, USAGE_CHARGE, and
> COMPONENT_PRICE. The real driving force behind this change is a need
> to support price calculation for RECURRING_CHARGE and
> COMPONENT_PRICE, and other custom or future price purposes.
> NOTE: this did require a primary key change for the ProductPrice
> table, the calculateProductPrice service will still support a null
> productPricePurposeId so that after an upgrade the whole system won't
> be useless, but that table or the pk on that table should be rebuilt
> right away for this change. All ProductPrice seed data has been
> updated to support this change.
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