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[OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to changethe, contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz

Posted by Rohit Rai on Sep 04, 2005; 7:51pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Re-would-like-to-changethe-contentmanagementcomponent-of-OfBiz-tp135787.html


Your English looks fine, except one little part: instead of "damn too
sluggish" it should probably be "too damn sluggish". I hear you on
this one, that's one of my pet peeves and even OFBiz is a little slow
for me sometimes (wish we could do something about the Tomcat
initialization times for example...).

HI! David,
Thanks for the correction!
I find the performance of Ofbiz quite satisfactory, specially with the Hardware I use and even on my Thinkpad, it works fine. I mean people here do wonder when I am running and ERP system on a Laptop & I can demonstrate all features, its cool and it is one of the major advantages, I can always tell my clients that "if performs so well on my Laptop think of the performance on dedicated server ;)" I won't at any cost want to loose that for "bells and whistles" or a gr8 "look and feel". It is a wonderful job you people have put in and it should remain that wonderful, always!

The "performance" is indeed bad. 256 MB RAM is surely not enough for a J2EE
application like OpenLaszlo and Windows. I have a very good performance
experience with Flex on PowerPC G4 1,2GHz with 1280 MB RAM (development
machine, not yet in production).

Your explanations are very welcome : you are the first on this ML reporting
real use of Lazslo and this reinforces some of my "a priori" against Lazslo
and pro Ajax. Althougth (and specialy for this type of think) 256MB on XP is
certainly a bit short.

Hello, Jacques & Oliver,
Well, getting that kind of a system (Flex on PowerPC G4 1,2GHz with 1280 MB RAM ) here in India just for a good look and feel will be investing a fortune in getting a needle that just shines bright. Comapnies here use systems with PIV processors as standard servers. Dual Pro system is one of the best you will get if you are approaching a SME. And my point is not against Lazslo, its against the use of Lazslo in Ofbiz, for the reason I mentioned above to David.
Another point is not about Flash/SWF being not being non standard or closed. I really don't like the Idea of transferring binary data to the browsers, that too dynamically generated at runtime! Later it can lead to many security loopholes and unstability. ASCII data is my preferred format, I can even test what actually I am getting at the client side on telnet & above all it makes that easy to Debug.
About, various UIMLS like XUL, XAML, AUIML, RUIML & ... I am not sure. I mean how much browser support they have? And most are pushed on by their proponents. In such murky wars taking sides is not good for business people. ;)
About AJAX browser support, anybrowser that supports JavaScript should be able to support AJAX, ofcourse with some exceptions. For that case we can go along with Google's approach with GMail. a Dual Interface, AJAX + Plain HTML and that should not be too difficult considering AJAX is built over HTML. I would like to hear on this i am not very sure.

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