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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to changethe, contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz

Posted by Oliver Lietz-2 on Sep 05, 2005; 9:55am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Re-would-like-to-changethe-contentmanagementcomponent-of-OfBiz-tp135787p135789.html

Am Sonntag, 4. September 2005 22:53 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
> >Another point is not about Flash/SWF being not being non standard
> >or closed.
> To construct SWF what tool will be used ? Without talking about graphic
> competences...

Flex and Laszlo both render XML to SWF.

> And I think that the difference between a commercial and an open source
> technology have to be mentionned !

Yes, Flex is a commercial closed source product and pricing starts at $15,000.
It doesn't really fit in an open source project. But Flex is in some
important points superior to Laszlo.

> >I really don't like the Idea of transferring binary data to the browsers,
> >that too dynamically generated at runtime! Later it can lead to many
> >security loopholes and unstability. ASCII data is my preferred format,
> >I can even test what actually I am getting at the client side on telnet
> >& above all it makes that easy to Debug.
> I'm not sure about security loopholes and unstability but that's another
> point, good that you mention it, thanks.

Security is not that problem. It doesn't matter if your client uses HTML or
SWF (or any other binary format). You can't simply trust input from users and
you have to secure your backend application.

> >About AJAX browser support, anybrowser that supports JavaScript should be
> >able to support AJAX, ofcourse with some exceptions. For that case we can
> > go along with Google's approach with GMail. a Dual Interface, AJAX +
> > Plain HTML >and that should not be too difficult considering AJAX is
> > built over HTML.

Yes plain HTML - that would be nice for the frontend of OFBiz's ecommerce
application. It doesn't work with disabled JavaScript at the moment (see my
"ecommerce UI" posting on dev list).

> I think also that Ajax seems the best candidate, because we need something
> looking like a Windows interface (or Swing or Mac or Gnome or KDE, etc.)
> not something too complicated (I think mainly about the graphic part
> involved in Flash).

Look at:

The examples show where Flash is today.


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