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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to changethe,contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz

Posted by Jacques Le Roux on Sep 05, 2005; 11:55am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Re-would-like-to-changethe-contentmanagementcomponent-of-OfBiz-tp135787p135790.html


Ouuuu, sorry but your examples do not help your cause.

Without speaking of the demos (brocade video : more than 1 (one!) minute to
load on my Inspiron 8000 (1Ghz, 512MB, ADSL 512k)

http://weblogs.macromedia.com/mc/archives/FlexStyleExplorer.html needs 23
sec to load on the same machine... And I can't use any clipboard functions
(I use a lot of copy on Internet, don't you ?)
And more, you have to wait between each "tabs". Ok it's *not trivial* and
it's *very pretty* !

> Yes plain HTML - that would be nice for the frontend of OFBiz's ecommerce
> application.

Oups, I did no read all the message before writing the above response. So
you are OK with us :o)

>It doesn't work with disabled JavaScript at the moment (see my
> "ecommerce UI" posting on dev list).

Yes that's interesting has I said before. But I'm just learning CSS through
Designing with Web Standards by Jeffrey Zeldman...

. I made a little enhancement
(http://jira.undersunconsulting.com/browse/OFBIZ-380) but it's still not
merged, I don't know why...


PS : Olivier please don't use cc : I'm already on the OFBiz ML ;o) It fools
me everytime (responding only to you), thanks...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Oliver Lietz" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Cc: "Jacques Le Roux" <[hidden email]>; "Rohit Rai"
<[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to
changethe,contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz

> Am Sonntag, 4. September 2005 22:53 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
> [...]
> > >Another point is not about Flash/SWF being not being non standard
> > >or closed.
> >
> > To construct SWF what tool will be used ? Without talking about graphic
> > competences...
> Flex and Laszlo both render XML to SWF.
> > And I think that the difference between a commercial and an open source
> > technology have to be mentionned !
> Yes, Flex is a commercial closed source product and pricing starts at
> It doesn't really fit in an open source project. But Flex is in some
> important points superior to Laszlo.
> > >I really don't like the Idea of transferring binary data to the
> > >that too dynamically generated at runtime! Later it can lead to many
> > >security loopholes and unstability. ASCII data is my preferred format,
> > >I can even test what actually I am getting at the client side on telnet
> > >& above all it makes that easy to Debug.
> >
> > I'm not sure about security loopholes and unstability but that's another
> > point, good that you mention it, thanks.
> Security is not that problem. It doesn't matter if your client uses HTML
> SWF (or any other binary format). You can't simply trust input from users
> you have to secure your backend application.
> > >About AJAX browser support, anybrowser that supports JavaScript should
> > >able to support AJAX, ofcourse with some exceptions. For that case we
> > > go along with Google's approach with GMail. a Dual Interface, AJAX +
> > > Plain HTML >and that should not be too difficult considering AJAX is
> > > built over HTML.
> Yes plain HTML - that would be nice for the frontend of OFBiz's ecommerce
> application. It doesn't work with disabled JavaScript at the moment (see
> "ecommerce UI" posting on dev list).
> > I think also that Ajax seems the best candidate, because we need

> > looking like a Windows interface (or Swing or Mac or Gnome or KDE, etc.)
> > not something too complicated (I think mainly about the graphic part
> > involved in Flash).
> Look at:
> http://www.macromedia.com/devnet/flex/example_apps.html
> http://weblogs.macromedia.com/mc/archives/FlexStyleExplorer.html
> The examples show where Flash is today.
> Oliver

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