Re: [OFBiz] Users - AJAX for Ofbiz
Posted by
Joachim Müller on
Sep 07, 2005; 3:02pm
IMHO AJAX should only be used for the backend screens. The user front
end must work without any javascript code. Otherwise the product is not
usable for gorvernment applications (accessibility, barrier free
websites). This should be fixed also in the current version.
Andrew Sykes schrieb:
> Rohit,
> Thanks for your continued research on this.
> I think we may be getting ahead of ourselves discussing specific
> technologies, perhaps the questions we really need to answer are...
> 1/ How would OFBiz actually benefit from adopting one of these
> technologies? Obviously, we all understand the generic advantages of
> AJAX, but what doesn't work adequately at the moment?
> 2/ How could we create a 'proof of concept' for this? Obviously we'd
> need to show something pretty compelling to add another level of
> complexity.
> I look forward to your reply...
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