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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Screen Widget transaction timeout also QuickBooks SOAP API

Posted by Brian Johnson-4 on Sep 12, 2005; 1:59am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Screen-Widget-transaction-timeout-also-QuickBooks-SOAP-API-tp135807p135809.html

Brett Palmer wrote:
> Brian,
> If the service that is running the export is only reading data you might
> want to turn transaction support off for that service.  We do that with
> a lot of our export services because the transaction times can very so
> much for long queries and since you're only reading data the transaction
> isn't really necessary.

I did turn the transaction support off on the services.  The transaction
that the screen widget code starts is what's timing out, I don't see
where to disable that one, or even change the timeout.

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