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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Weird multi-instance configuration.

Posted by Andrew Sykes on Sep 09, 2005; 9:53pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Weird-multi-instance-configuration-tp135811p135820.html


Don't despair! you're the second person to ask this in a month! Perhaps
it's time to write an article on this. :-)

The answer is that if you want to use https, you need to install the
certificate with apache, not with the application server. i.e. apache is
the certified contact point with your client.

If you think about it, if it was possible to proxy https like this, man-
in-the-middle attacks would be rife!

I hope this helps...
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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