[OFBiz] Users - Payment Application & Accounting Question
Posted by
Gan Chun Yee on
Sep 13, 2005; 4:20pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Payment-Application-Accounting-Question-tp135846.html
May I know how can I apply payment received on the
invoice? Must it require Billing Account ID?
Besides, How can it generate Journal Entry when
payment is received or shipment is shipped?
I suppose when an order is placed, a shipment created
and then the following journal entries should be
1. Debit (i think, not sure whether is credit or
debit) Cost Of Goods Sold
2. Debit Account Receivable
3. Credit Sales
Here is my Accounts Setting for Product "Tiny Chrome
Widget [ID:WG-5569]"
1. 500000 COST OF GOODS SOLD (Cost Of Goods Sold)
2. 120000 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (Inventory)
3. 400000 SALES (Sales)
Besides, how can I view the journal entry ?
Hope someone can help me out.
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