> May I know how can I apply payment received on the
> invoice? Must it require Billing Account ID?
> Besides, How can it generate Journal Entry when
> payment is received or shipment is shipped?
> I suppose when an order is placed, a shipment created
> and then the following journal entries should be
> generated:
> 1. Debit (i think, not sure whether is credit or
> debit) Cost Of Goods Sold
> 2. Debit Account Receivable
> 3. Credit Sales
> Here is my Accounts Setting for Product "Tiny Chrome
> Widget [ID:WG-5569]"
> 1. 500000 COST OF GOODS SOLD (Cost Of Goods Sold)
> 2. 120000 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (Inventory)
> 3. 400000 SALES (Sales)
> Besides, how can I view the journal entry ?
> Hope someone can help me out.
> Regards,
> Gan
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