Posted by
firas-3 on
Sep 24, 2005; 8:12am
My current environment that produces this error is:
* rev.5792 checked out into an empty folder
* PostgreSQL 8.0.3, and a newly created database
* Java 1.4.2_09-b05 on WinXP
* Issued ant run-install
As you can see the it's a very clean setup.
Also, I've noticed another (and for me strange) behavior. The list of
'Fetured products' is ordered differently depending on the database used.
Using Derby it begins with the 'Round Gizmo' and ends with 'Configurable
PC'. In PosgreSQL it begins with 'Configurable PC' and ends with 'Gift Card
Activation', after which the exception discussed is raised and displayed by
To keep this message readable, I'm attaching a log excerpt of the request
corresponding to the view-map "main".
-----Original Message-----
[hidden email] [mailto:
[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of David E. Jones
Sent: den 21 september 2005 19:41
To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - Error in ecommerce
Chances are your seed data is out of date or your database metadata (table
defs, etc) are out of date. For database metadata watch your startup log and
it will tell you about various problems, including out of date primary keys
now (if your JDBC driver supports it...
evidently not working right now with MySQL).
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