Re: [OFBiz] Users - Error in ecommerce
Posted by
Jacques Le Roux on
Sep 22, 2005; 4:47pm
On a suggestion of Si I tried with the last stable Sequoia ERP.
It works with the same DB that does not work with OFBiz.
ASAP I will compare the 2 projects to understand.
Thanks for your help.
----- Original Message ----- From: "David E. Jones" <
[hidden email]>
Okay, if you're getting that message then your local file is messed
up somehow. Chances are it is an update merge conflict. You can see a
list of all changed and conflicted files by doing an "svn st" or "svn
status". It's probably a good idea to get a full list since you may
have other conflicted files or files that are changed and causing
problems (not based anything from this message, just a general
recommendation when doing updates).
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