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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Error in ecommerce

Posted by Jacques Le Roux on Sep 22, 2005; 8:18am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-billing-account-as-payment-method-tp135916p135930.html

Thanks, yes I frequently use "svn st". Perhaps I did not explain myself correctly.
This message came only when I used a default configuration, ie after having "del" (Windows) entityengine.xml  and just after did an "svn up" of that only file. So it's when I used the file from the svn repository (using Derby) that I got this message
Here is the result of an "svn st" after I modified entityengine.xml  to use postgres

D:\workspace\ofbiz>svn st
?      ofbiz.ico
?      .externalToolBuilders
?      $jarplug.work
?      Patchs en attente
?      SQLProcessor.patch
?      startofbizdebug.bat
?      startofbizPos.bat
M      .project
?      applications\pos\screens\default\menu\posmain.xml.fr
?      applications\pos\config\XuiLabels.properties
?      applications\pos\config\Copy of custreceipt.txt
?      applications\pos\config\Copie de balance.txt
?      applications\pos\config\Copy of pos_fr.properties
?      applications\pos\config\Copy of storereceipt.txt
?      applications\pos\config\Copy of pos.properties
?      applications\pos\config\Copie de totals.txt
M      applications\pos\config\xpos.properties
?      applications\pos\lib\XuiCoreSwing.jar
?      applications\pos\src\org\ofbiz\pos\device\impl\Receipt.java.bak
M      applications\pos\src\org\ofbiz\pos\device\impl\Keyboard.java
?      base\config\both-containers.xml
M      base\config\pos-containers.xml
M      base\config\ofbiz-containers.xml
?      base\lib\commons\commons-digester.jar
?      base\lib\commons\commons-digester-1.7.jar.tmp
M      startofbiz.bat
?      framework\rules
M      framework\guiapp\src\org\ofbiz\guiapp\xui\XuiContainer.java
?      framework\images\webapp\images\logo.jpg
?      framework\images\webapp\images\fond.gif
M      framework\images\webapp\images\ecommain.css
?      framework\images\webapp\images\products\medium
?      framework\images\webapp\images\products\detail
?      framework\images\webapp\images\products\small\Axim30.jpg
?      framework\images\webapp\images\products\small\PCMoyen.jpg
?      framework\images\webapp\images\products\small\PCHaut.jpg
?      framework\images\webapp\images\products\small\PCBas.jpg
?      framework\images\webapp\images\products\small\PDA-GPS.jpg
?      framework\images\webapp\images\products\small\ImprBas.jpg
?      framework\images\webapp\images\products\large\PCBas.jpg
M      framework\shark\webapp\shark\includes\appbar.ftl
M      framework\shark\webapp\shark\templates\main.ftl
?      framework\entity\config\entityengine.xml.BAK
M      framework\entity\config\entityengine.xml

And here is the modification of entityengine.xml  :

D:\workspace\ofbiz>svn di  framework\entity\config\entityengine.xml
Index: framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml
--- framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml    (r+vision 5802)
+++ framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml    (copie de travail)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
     <delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main" entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main" distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false">
-        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localderby"/>
+        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>
         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz.odbc" datasource-name="localderbyodbc"/>
     <delegator name="default-no-eca" entity-model-reader="main" entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main" entity-eca-enabled="false" distributed-ca

M      base\config\pos-containers.xml
M      base\config\ofbiz-containers.xml

are because I modified files (from Andy recommandation) to have simultaneaoulsy POS and HTML applications (but commented out for now)
So as you can see there is nothing wrong with my configuration. And this problems came suddently while I was not working on OFBiz for 2 weeks now (only updating and testing after)
To be sure I tested the same configuration (OFBiz on XP) with a PostGres DB (version 7.4.7) on another server (Linux - Ubuntu Hoary) and it works !
I mus admit that I am confused, and also that I have no more time for it today :(
Have a good day all and sorry for this long HTML format message (needed to be more readeable)...
----- Original Message ----- From: "David E. Jones" <[hidden email]>
>Okay, if you're getting that message then your local file is messed 
>up somehow. Chances are it is an update merge conflict. You can see a 
>list of all changed and conflicted files by doing an "svn st" or "svn 
>status". It's probably a good idea to get a full list since you may 
>have other conflicted files or files that are changed and causing 
>problems (not based anything from this message, just a general 
>recommendation when doing updates).

On Sep 21, 2005, at 3:02 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> David,

> As I said before, I got this after an "svn up" and a "run-install" 
> on a
> *fresh* Postgres DB.
> I just tried to do a new "svn up" (was already in 5801) and just 
> after a
> "run-install-seed" : always the same problem.
> I tried with default entityengine.xml and it's running without any 
> problem
> (except 24 mn on Derby vs 4mn on Postgres ;o)
> Did you notice (with default entityengine.xml):
>      [java] 5203  (main) [            UtilXml.java:634:ERROR] 
> XmlFileLoader:
> File file:/D:/workspace/ofbiz/framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml
> process e
> ror. Line: 272. Error message: cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 
> 'datasource'
> cannot have character [children], because the type's content type is
> element-only.
> So I created another *new* Postgres DB with a "run-install" and I 
> got the
> same problem (please see :
> Seems to be related to Postgres, at least on XP with version 8.0.
> Have somebody else tried on XP with PostGres 8.0 ?
> Jacques
> PS : I'm very tired today, perhaps I missed something, might 
> somebody be
> interested by Postgres 8.0 on XP ?
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "David E. Jones" 
> <
[hidden email]>
>> Chances are your seed data is out of date or your database metadata
>> (table defs, etc) are out of date. For database metadata watch your
>> startup log and it will tell you about various problems, including
>> out of date primary keys now (if your JDBC driver supports it...
>> evidently not working right now with MySQL).
>> -David
>> On Sep 21, 2005, at 2:47 AM, Firas A. wrote:
>>> No, Jacques, it's not Windows (thank God). I managed to run the same
>>> revision (5792) but used Derby instead of PostgreSQL.
>>> Could it be the PostgreSQL seed data?
>>> OFBiz veterans, anyone?
>>> Thanks!
>>> </Firas>
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
[hidden email] [mailto:users-
[hidden email]]
>>> On Behalf Of Jacques Le Roux
>>> Sent: den 20 september 2005 23:17
>>> To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
>>> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - Error in ecommerce
>>> Seems to be a Windows related problem : it runs OK on Linux... (svn
>>> 5792)
>>> Always KO on Windows...
>>> Jacques
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