Are you sure? $ svn update always works for me. What happens when you
It will recompile all the files and install the up to date seed data.
>Thanks Jacopo.
>I downloaded ofbiz a month before since then working on it, occasionally
>I use svn update to the newest version (command line, not in eclipse).
>Yesterday I downloaded a fresh copy of ofbiz from weekly build, running
>without any modification, I found lots of problems I had before
>disappeared, include the billing account issue I asked here.
>It seems that the svn update can't update the existing system to those
>new features, any suggestions how can I update the system but still keep
>my works unchanged?
>On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 06:18 +0200, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>create a billing account and link yo it the customer with the role of
>>"Bill to Customer" (or something similar, I don't remember); then the
>>billing account will be available in the checkout options.
>>Hao Jiang wrote:
>>>Hello there,
>>>Has anyone done this?
>>>I know the selection of payment methods when doing checkout are hard
>>>coded at checkoutoptions.ftl, that's no problem to edit the file,
>>>however, is there a service already available to deduct that amount from
>>>billing account limits?
>>>Also I found there is a calcBillingAccountBalance service available, but
>>>I couldn't find where it's implemented.
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