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[OFBiz] Users - Comming back to OfBiz and need advice

Posted by dkey on Sep 24, 2005; 2:58am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Comming-back-to-OfBiz-and-need-advice-tp135987.html

Every time I try to immerse myself in OfBiz I am distracted by a PHP
request and have to start all over once my project is done. Not one to
complain about work that affords me to purchase equipment for my real love
"JAVA and OfBiz", but things move so quickly it with the development of
OfBiz when you step away for a month or two, it's hard to get back in.
That being said I have an opportunity to put OfBiz to work if I do it
right, so I have a few specific questions and an approach that I think may
work but maybe someone else could direct me to the correct path if it can
be accomplished in OfBiz more efficiently.

Job: I have assets moving inside one corporation via private transport to
18 locations.
They want to track this movement and bill the appropriate departments for
this transport, as well as run reports reflecting the billing attributes
and tracking of said assets.

They would like to use RFID or barcode readers to track the items but I
have suggested reusable Mifare cards to identify the assets (they are in
containers so this would be WAY more cost effective).

My approach: Use the OfBiz shopping cart to set the products in motion
since it will be thousands of employees who take these assets to a central
location within their home location for delivery to the final destination,
and treat it like a large order destined for a specified location for
delivery. They can enter their own destination and will auto generate an
"asset number" to the asset they wish to transfer. Then attach a Mifare
card to the pallet and associate this card # with the contents of the

At this point the transport personnel comes along, They log into OfBiz
with their "Login Card" to view the assets to be delivered from this
specific location, sort by destination and set the status to in transit
until each item reaches its final destination where the status would be
changed to delivered, then an e-mail sent reflecting the recipient
conformation, and a function to generate the reports.

I know that OfBiz can do this but  here is my conundrum; Do I use RMI to
communicate with the card reader, or should I just take a more simple
approach and have the card reader and a small client app on the 18
computers simply populate a form. I would like the card to automatically
read---> goto URL ---> Login ----> show assets and destinations --->
arrive at new location -----> manually change status ---> then logout.

 I was hoping to have a no install on the client other than the reader
driver that is why I am exploring the RMI or Corba approach but I think
that this may not work.

I can do all the card stuff but I wonder if I am taking the right approach
to the problem.

Feedback anyone?

Thanks in advance,


BTW thanks to Si Chen for the concise tutorials on the hello world apps :)

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