point, in ofbiz.
the service (new) would then enter the data for transfer.
a location. I also assume it has a unique ID that can be tracked.
The transport personnel would specify the destination, and a PO is created.
when the Items arrived then are received by ofbiz. and the Facility
receiving will be invoiced.
> Every time I try to immerse myself in OfBiz I am distracted by a PHP
> request and have to start all over once my project is done. Not one to
> complain about work that affords me to purchase equipment for my real love
> "JAVA and OfBiz", but things move so quickly it with the development of
> OfBiz when you step away for a month or two, it's hard to get back in.
> That being said I have an opportunity to put OfBiz to work if I do it
> right, so I have a few specific questions and an approach that I think may
> work but maybe someone else could direct me to the correct path if it can
> be accomplished in OfBiz more efficiently.
> Job: I have assets moving inside one corporation via private transport to
> 18 locations.
> They want to track this movement and bill the appropriate departments for
> this transport, as well as run reports reflecting the billing attributes
> and tracking of said assets.
> They would like to use RFID or barcode readers to track the items but I
> have suggested reusable Mifare cards to identify the assets (they are in
> containers so this would be WAY more cost effective).
> My approach: Use the OfBiz shopping cart to set the products in motion
> since it will be thousands of employees who take these assets to a central
> location within their home location for delivery to the final destination,
> and treat it like a large order destined for a specified location for
> delivery. They can enter their own destination and will auto generate an
> "asset number" to the asset they wish to transfer. Then attach a Mifare
> card to the pallet and associate this card # with the contents of the
> delivery.
> At this point the transport personnel comes along, They log into OfBiz
> with their "Login Card" to view the assets to be delivered from this
> specific location, sort by destination and set the status to in transit
> until each item reaches its final destination where the status would be
> changed to delivered, then an e-mail sent reflecting the recipient
> conformation, and a function to generate the reports.
> I know that OfBiz can do this but here is my conundrum; Do I use RMI to
> communicate with the card reader, or should I just take a more simple
> approach and have the card reader and a small client app on the 18
> computers simply populate a form. I would like the card to automatically
> read---> goto URL ---> Login ----> show assets and destinations --->
> arrive at new location -----> manually change status ---> then logout.
> I was hoping to have a no install on the client other than the reader
> driver that is why I am exploring the RMI or Corba approach but I think
> that this may not work.
> I can do all the card stuff but I wonder if I am taking the right approach
> to the problem.
> Feedback anyone?
> Thanks in advance,
> Dale
> BTW thanks to Si Chen for the concise tutorials on the hello world apps :)
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