[OFBiz] Users - Re: Users Digest, Vol 14, Issue 54
Posted by
cjhowe on
Sep 28, 2005; 11:30pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Re-Users-Digest-Vol-14-Issue-54-tp136044.html
I would imagine this is more of a B2B functionality
than an Ecommerce B2C situation. This could be
handled a number of ways based on what these addresses
actually are.
Are they "Drop Ship" locations or are they branches?
Is this customer the one who's actually placing the
order or are there others?
------Sam wrote:
Does anyone have a tutorial on recordset paging
(entity lists? not sure
of the proper term is) in OfBiz? We have a customer
that has over 75
ship-to addresses and I'm afraid the ecommerce profile
and checkout
pages will be an annoyance.
Thank you in advance,
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