Re: [OFBiz] Users - TO DAVID --- Online Documentation >>>waiting
Posted by
Vinicius Nadai on
Oct 10, 2005; 6:48pm
David, thanks very much
for your reply.
David E. Jones wrote:
Florin's reply to this message is a good one and I second his advice.
In general OFBiz is designed to run a single company, but it does
support multiple organizations within that company without limitation.
I personally don't like the single application and single database
shared by dozens or hundreds of companies approach, and OFBiz isn't
designed for that. I have heard from people who have done significant
customization of OFBiz to try to offer this sort of shared
application, but it is a REALLY hard sell and even huge companies like and NetLedger (now owned by Oracle) have had to spend a
LOT of money to _try_ to overcome the limitations of shared
applications and convince companies that it will work okay for them.
So, I highly recommend running separate instances for different
companies. This has been discussed a LOT on the mailing lists because
a lot of people see this as a potential way to make a buck. It is
possible, but just be careful, it is a huge nightmare to do it that
way even with systems that are designed for it, and OFBiz is not, it
is designed for customization in configuration files and not in the
Our intention is to compete with ASPs that offer shared applications
by offering dedication application instances and independent databases
(though it is safe with most modern databases to run a single db
server instance with multiple separate databases), and then they can
have direct access (usually read-only) to their database for their own
custom reports and such, and there isn't the same risk of someone
accidently getting into their database because of an application
bug... In general it also makes the software more flexible and simpler
at the same time, making it easier to and cheaper to customize, making
possible things that small companies could not otherwise do.
Okay, my thoughts on the topic again... I guess I should stop writing
about this because a lot of this is probably a repeat of what has been
said before...
On Oct 7, 2005, at 9:13 AM, Vinicius Nadai wrote:
Hi David,
Thanks for answer,
My problem is to run OFBIZ to Varios Companies and each Companies to
haver various employees.
I dont found this in any place . So, I buied your online
documentation, but don't found too.
Can you help me??
David E. Jones wrote:
Please don't take this personally, but I don't respond well to
pressure and manipulation.
The documentation site is what it is and while we try to put
information in there that is as useful as possible to the widest
audience possible, with the scope of OFBiz and all of the possible
ways to use the system it is hard to predict what people might want
to do with it.
So, I appreciate your feedback and hopefully with more information
about your needs we can help you out. In that light the OFBiz Users
mailing list (which has nothing to do with Undersun or the Undersun
Online Documentation) happens to be a great place to discuss this.
In other words, I'm not sure if documentation will meet your needs.
It sounds like what you need is analysis, and $4.95 worth of
discounted documentation (even if purchased multiple times by
different people in the same company) probably won't meet your needs.
You mention you'd like to know about Multi Company in OFBiz, what
exactly do you mean by that?
On the question about the permission, this might have just been a
typo in the email but the permission should be "CATALOG_ADMIN" and
On Oct 6, 2005, at 10:58 AM, Vinicius Nadai wrote:
David, I am waiting your anwser
Vinicius Nadai wrote:
The online documents in the site Undersun is incomplete. For example:
Create Employer. And others.
I very need to know all about the Security.
My problem: I am giving the permisson CATALOG_ADM to a one User and
when he to do the Login is displayed a message: This user not
permission to the application.
I would like to know too all about Multi Company in The OFBIZ and I
buied the document for this.
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