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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Help with studying a very minor issue

Posted by Jacopo Cappellato on Oct 29, 2005; 10:03am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Help-with-studying-a-very-minor-issue-tp136217p136218.html

Hi Brad,

and thanks for your help. I've fixed this issue in rev. 6033 following a
   different approach (however what you have suggested is another good


Brad wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'd like to ask if anyone who is familiar with development in OFBIZ
> could look over my work as reported on JIRA issue #508
> http://jira.undersunconsulting.com/browse/OFBIZ-508
> I found something very small, reported it, tried to figure it out, and
> reported what I think is the matter.  The only thing I have not yet done
> is actually try to fix it.  I'd like someone to review what I reported
> and sort of guide me a bit.  Basically I want to see if I am correctly
> understanding the inner workings, what changes in what files are
> necessary to implement a fix, and so on.
> Just trying to contribute in the little ways that I can,
> Brad
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