Posted by
David E. Jones on
Oct 26, 2005; 6:58pm
This is frustrating and I'm not sure what might be causing it. I
noticed something else that seems to only be happening on Linux, and
that is in the Party Manager for a person or group profile the Edit
Person or Edit Party Group pages have a form but somehow it leaves
out the partyId field in the form... It's very weird and after a
couple of hours I had to move on, and I haven't had time in the last
few days to get back to it, but it is an outstanding "weird" that may
be related... It's frustrating that moving from one platform to
another can mess things up like that... One thing I haven't checked
yet that might be messing things up is entries in the system Java
classpath environment variable.
On Oct 26, 2005, at 10:11 AM, Souvik Saha Bhowmik wrote:
> Hi
> I am using the <after-login> and <before-logout> tags of the
> Controller.xml to invokecertain events . But they are behaving in a
> wierd manner. In certain systems these events are not invoked. Is
> there any specific sequence in which these tags are to be organised in
> controller.xml. Do thiese tags behave differently in different
> environments. In certain Linux environments the events under these
> tags are not invoked.
> Any reason and solution regarding this issue would be of great help
> Souvik
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