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RE: [OFBiz] Users - Format of jdbc-uri

Posted by Firas A.-2 on Oct 27, 2005; 9:30am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Format-of-jdbc-uri-tp136229p136230.html


I'm running on PostgreSQL 8 and here is what I did:
In /framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml I editet the default delegator
to look like:
<delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>

The 'datasource-name' attribute should be equal to "localpostgres". Then,
later in the same file find element:
<datasource name="localpostgres"...

Under this element there's a subelement:
Changed the following attributes of this subelement:

Then I created a database in PostgreSQL, called it 'myofbiz'.
Last but not least I run: ant run-install

The problem of not beign able to access ecommerce on 8080 has really nothing
to do with this setup. Check your settings in

Look particularly for this element
<property name="http-connector" value="connector">
   <property name="port" value="8080" />

Hope this helps


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of Craig Griffith
Sent: den 26 oktober 2005 22:55
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Format of jdbc-uri

I am trying to switch my newly installed ofbiz over to my newly installed
postgres-8.1 but have been unsuccessful so far. The Production Setup is
unclear on the modification I need here. I have copied over the postgres
datasourcce and modified ofbiz to an existing database, and
jdbc-username/password to postgres, but Port 8080/ecommerce does not respond
when I put the new datasource in the delegator. What am I missing in the
config (OfBiz or Postgres)?


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