[OFBiz] Users - Problems with Search queries ...
Posted by
Ian Gilbert on
Oct 27, 2005; 4:40pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Problems-with-Search-queries-tp136240.html
Hi List,
I'm using the party manager and the search facility to track down users of
the system resident in specific postcode areas. I have selected the
'Postal' option button and then put 'N' and a range of wildcards into the
PartyPostalCode box. The wildcards that I'm using atm are *, $ and & but
they all return zero results.
I've tried this on Sequoia, a fairly recent svn and version 3.0 and it
doesn't seem to work in any case. Are there wildcards that I'm not aware
of? Has anyone else had any issues with this?
Server environment is Debian Sarge, Postgres 7.3 (or default db in a
couple of cases) and the workstation is W2K SP4 and Firefox Beta 2. I'll
try it with IE and Opera this afternoon but wanted to make sure the
wildcards were appropriate.
Thanks and best wishes
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