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[OFBiz] Users - Binding to different IP addresses or domain names

Posted by David E. Jones on Oct 29, 2005; 9:14pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Binding-to-different-IP-addresses-or-domain-names-tp136269.html

For running multiple instances of OFBiz on a single server has anyone  
figured out how to have JOTM bind to port 1099 on a specific IP  
address or domain name so that multiple instances can run with the  
same ports but different IP addresses?

Right now it is possible and not too difficult to use a different set  
of ports for each running instance, but it is perhaps easier to  
maintain if the standard ports can be used, just bound to different  
IP addresses. This seems to work fine with Tomcat when you specify an  
IP address or domain for each service to bind to, but it doesn't  
appear to be working with JOTM. So far all I've tried is changing the  
following line in the jrmp.properites (or iiop.properties) file:


as opposed to:


Changing the port there does seem to get it mounted on a different  
port just fine, but changing the IP address or putting in a local  
domain name doesn't seem to do the trick...

Has anyone had a need for this or made any progress on it?

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