is an eca attached.
is working fine.
> Christopher Farley (
[hidden email]) wrote:
>>Anecdeotally, yes, it definitely seems like two minutes. `svn info`
>>shows I've got version 6044. However, there's some possibility that
>>I synced the repository but never re-compiled. I'm assuming you are
>>asking because of a known issue 6007. I'll let you know!
> Actually, even with recent svn revisions, my 40,000-line XML file fails.
> I have switched between postgres and derby, and I get the same error.
> I have split the files into many smaller files (600 lines each) and done
> the XML directory import. It fails in about the same spot.
> When I tediously import each split xml file by hand, it succeeds!
> So I do not think I am feeding ofbiz corrupt data. It just seems to
> have trouble with the larger files.
> I have also noticed that it is MUCH slower to import 600 "Product"
> records, as opposed to 600 "Party" records, etc. I notice that during
> the product import, it is "Running Entity ECA Service: indexProductKeywords"
> very frequently. I wonder if this is a hint about the problem. Is there a
> way to defer the indexing of product keywords until after the data has
> been imported?