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Re: [OFBiz] Users - XML import failure

Posted by Jacopo Cappellato on Nov 02, 2005; 7:28am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-XML-import-failure-tp136279p136283.html

Hi Christopher,

yes, importing products is slower than importing parties because there
is an eca attached.
You can simply disable it commenting the first eca defined in

By the way, please have a look at my last mail (I sent it an hour ago)
because I'd like to verify with you if the current screen implementation
is working fine.


Christopher Farley wrote:

> Christopher Farley ([hidden email]) wrote:
>>Anecdeotally, yes, it definitely seems like two minutes. `svn info`
>>shows I've got version 6044. However, there's some possibility that
>>I synced the repository but never re-compiled. I'm assuming you are
>>asking because of a known issue 6007. I'll let you know!
> Actually, even with recent svn revisions, my 40,000-line XML file fails.
> I have switched between postgres and derby, and I get the same error.
> I have split the files into many smaller files (600 lines each) and done
> the XML directory import. It fails in about the same spot.
> When I tediously import each split xml file by hand, it succeeds!
> So I do not think I am feeding ofbiz corrupt data. It just seems to
> have trouble with the larger files.
> I have also noticed that it is MUCH slower to import 600 "Product"
> records, as opposed to 600 "Party" records, etc. I notice that during
> the product import, it is "Running Entity ECA Service: indexProductKeywords"
> very frequently. I wonder if this is a hint about the problem. Is there a
> way to defer the indexing of product keywords until after the data has
> been imported?

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