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Re: [OFBiz] Users - XML import failure

Posted by Jacopo Cappellato on Nov 02, 2005; 6:27am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-XML-import-failure-tp136279p136284.html

Hi Christopher,

I'm asking this because in rev. 6007 we have migrated the import jsp
page to the widget; and two minutes is the default transaction timeout
of a screen built with widgets.

Could you please verify:

1) if in the framework\webtools\widget\EntityScreen.xml file, inside the
action element of the "EntityImport" screen definition, there is a line
like this:

<set field="parameters.TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT" value="7200"/>

(this line should set the screen timeout to two hours)

2) if you have recompiled the framework\widget component



Christopher Farley wrote:

> Jacopo Cappellato ([hidden email]) wrote:
>>Hi Christopher,
>>which SVN version are you running? A version before or after the 6007?
>>Is the error happening exactly after TWO minutes you click the submit
> Anecdeotally, yes, it definitely seems like two minutes. `svn info`
> shows I've got version 6044. However, there's some possibility that
> I synced the repository but never re-compiled. I'm assuming you are
> asking because of a known issue 6007. I'll let you know!

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