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Re: [OFBiz] Users - sendOrderDeliveryScheduleNotification event continously running...

Posted by Ray Barlow on Nov 02, 2005; 8:52am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-sendOrderDeliveryScheduleNotification-event-continously-running-tp136287p136289.html

Yes there were some failings there, but I assumed they were related to
the order notification events, but I guess I should have looked closer.
I was also mistakenly under the impression it would give up after a few
attempts hence why I was thinking it was being triggered rather than
just repeating.

I've managed to cancel the jobs from the job list via the webtools and
that has taken care of them for now. I'll try and find more time to look
into it deeper as I have a feeling it will recur.

Thanks for the reply,


Si Chen wrote:

> Is it failing for some reason?  Have you checked the logs?
> Ray Barlow wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For some reason this event is being triggered nearly
>> continously and in the space of a day can easily push
>> out 1000 emails all related to the same purchase order
>> and no others! It seems to create 4 entries in the job
>> list every 3 minutes or so.
>> I can disable the sending of the email without to much
>> trouble but would appreciate any clues as to what
>> might be triggering it. We haven't really been using
>> delivery schedules and dates, although I've been
>> adjusting this purchase order to try and cause a
>> noticable change without success.
>> Any thoughts on what I can check to try and track this
>> down?
>> Ray
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