[OFBiz] Users - a java problem, someone help me?
Posted by
Hao Jiang-4 on
Nov 01, 2005; 5:31pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-a-java-problem-someone-help-me-tp136291.html
Hello, please forgive me since it's not directly related to ofbiz, but a
java problem when I work on ofbiz
I want to call a linux script from ofbiz system, it's simple and I did
String cmd = "./a.sh -in a=a -out a.txt";
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
now I want the command like
./a.sh -in "a=a" -out a.txt
this time java returns error message, although it runs fine when use
linux terminal
Can someone help me?
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