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[OFBiz] Users - Installation and config error

Posted by michal-2 on Nov 03, 2005; 9:23pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Installation-and-config-error-tp136338.html

Hey all ofbiz users,
I have just deployed ofbiz twice  once with command
java -jar ofbiz.jar -install
and second time with command
java -jar ofbiz.jar -install=seed
Iam using postgreSQL database. Upon completition of this commands I checkd the database and tables were created but both times i couldn' see any data in any table.
Then when i try to access catalog and after entering username and passwd i get this error:
The following error occurred during login:
Service [userLogin] Failed (Exception on
rollback:java.rmi.RemoteException: rollback:
Unexpected XAException:7)
Anybody can help me with that ?

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