Sent this too fast... Forgot to mention/ask that if there are any
different situations...
On Nov 5, 2005, at 10:21 PM, David E. Jones wrote:
> Looks good Si, I think this covers all of the main points that I
> talk about related to Compiere and OFBiz (licensing, community/
> company organization, architecture, etc). I also don't know much
> about Compiere as all I've ever done is read the code and talk with
> others about it (including Jorg Janke). There are a few Compiere
> "ex-patriots" in the OFBiz community that know more it than I do,
> and now also know about OFBiz. There may be some OFBiz ex-patriots
> as well using Compiere, and it would be interesting to see all of
> these opinions, now sure if/how that will happen though... though
> this answer and forum thread is a good start.
> -David
> On Nov 4, 2005, at 6:50 PM, Si Chen wrote:
>> Hi. I was asked this question and wrote this response:
>> thread_id=1379660&forum_id=487771
>> I was wondering if this is generally fair or if anybody would care
>> to comment. Especially since, not knowing how to install
>> Compiere, I really don't know too much about it.
>> If you have thoughts, it'd be nice to use that forum to keep track
>> of it.
>> Thanks and have a great weekend...
>> Si
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