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[OFBiz] Users - POS: No productStoreId set on facility

Posted by Gordon B Lugauer on Nov 07, 2005; 3:31pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-POS-No-productStoreId-set-on-facility-tp136363.html

OFBiz Powers That Be,

A plea for help, guidance, or perhaps understanding.  My goal is
to learn how to begin to modify the example POS application to work
with a non-demo-data installation.  I am missing something.


- create virgin postgres db
- grab current ofbiz svn, install with -readers=seed
- create the following:
    - facility, ID:10000 is automatically assigned
    - store, ID:10000 is automatically assigned
    - catalog, ID:MainCatalog is assigned by me
    - category, ID:MainCatalogItem is assigned by me

- edit base/config/pos-containers.xml:
    - change facility-id to 10000 (line 60)

- edit applications/pos/data/DemoRetail.xml:
    - change all facilityId and productStoreId instances to 10000
      (since the automatically generated id's happened to match)

- java -jar ofbiz.jar -pos, starts to run, but dies with the following error:

    No productStoreId set on facility [10000]!

The error seems to come from line 109 of
but why?

Console log (trimmed edition) and DemoRetail.xml attached.

Thanks much,

-Gordon B Lugauer

BadgerClaw, llc
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console.log.abbreviated (3K) Download Attachment
DemoRetail.xml (7K) Download Attachment