address, phone number, etc). That Facility needs to point to the
part to run, like tax, inventory control settings, etc, etc.
> OFBiz Powers That Be,
> A plea for help, guidance, or perhaps understanding. My goal is
> to learn how to begin to modify the example POS application to work
> with a non-demo-data installation. I am missing something.
> Scenario:
> - create virgin postgres db
> - grab current ofbiz svn, install with -readers=seed
> - create the following:
> - facility, ID:10000 is automatically assigned
> - store, ID:10000 is automatically assigned
> - catalog, ID:MainCatalog is assigned by me
> - category, ID:MainCatalogItem is assigned by me
> - edit base/config/pos-containers.xml:
> - change facility-id to 10000 (line 60)
> - edit applications/pos/data/DemoRetail.xml:
> - change all facilityId and productStoreId instances to 10000
> (since the automatically generated id's happened to match)
> - java -jar ofbiz.jar -pos, starts to run, but dies with the
> following error:
> No productStoreId set on facility [10000]!
> The error seems to come from line 109 of
> applications/pos/src/org/ofbiz/pos/container/,
> but why?
> Console log (trimmed edition) and DemoRetail.xml attached.
> Thanks much,
> --
> -Gordon B Lugauer
> BadgerClaw, llc
> All things Unix All things IP
[hidden email] e 414-273-6666 v 262-364-2929 f
> <console.log.abbreviated>
> <DemoRetail.xml>
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