Posted by
Andrew Sykes on
Nov 09, 2005; 10:11am
Perhaps part of the problem in terms of causing confusion between OFBiz
and SequoiaERP is the complete lack of any link between the two names.
While I like the Sequoia name and initially didn't think it was
important to link the two together, I'm now beginning to wonder...
Here's how it looks to the client I'm working with at the moment...
"OFBiz is released under the MIT license which gives us loads of
freedom, OFBiz doesn't seem to be owned by anyone, so it's not going to
disappear if some little development company goes bust."
"SequoiaERP, hmm sounds/looks like proprietary software, what sort of
license is it released under? So is this another Neogia? Who actually
owns Sequoia ERP? What happens if goes bust?"
These are actual questions (condensed into anecdotal form) that I've
been asked over the past 2 weeks.
So, I've taken pretty much a 180 degree turn in my opinion given the
feedback I'm getting.
I think Sequoia and Si's work mark the beginning of a new epoch in
OFBiz' development and will be pivotal going forward. Consequently, I'm
keen to help, but I'm not sure the name or the degree of separation is
such a great idea. Both because it has nothing to do with OFBiz and
because of the whole TradeMark issue.
If also seems a little bizarre that weekly releases are coming from and sequoia from This
seems to give a rather warped perspective and doesn't really fairly give
credit to those doing the work. I realise that these have to be hosted
somewhere, could we perhaps have a list of mirrors on So that is the first port of call for all things OFBiz.
Maybe those interested in providing mirror space could let themselves be
known, We'd be happy to offer space ourselves.
The biggest danger I can see is that a company decides it's a great
marketing trick to start wrestling attention from OFBiz (or Sequoia) to
raise their profile. I feel Sequoia is inadvertently providing this
precedent at present.
Sorry to reopen this old debate, but I feel I have to comment given that
recent experience has made me so drastically change my point of view.
Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <
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Sykes Development Ltd
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