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Re: [OFBiz] Users - XLS to XML

Posted by Jacopo Cappellato on Nov 18, 2005; 6:13am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-XLS-to-XML-tp136405p136410.html

Are you sure that the product has not been imported?
The message:

"Got 1 entities to write to the datasource"

is a "success" response.

Could you send the generated xml file?
Please, use the Webtools--> Entity SQL processor to search for the
product you have imported:

select * from PRODUCT where PRODUCT_ID = 'theProductId'


michal wrote:

> Thanks your instructions were very helpful. I have one more question
> about importing:
> After I created xml file, I went to XML Data Import entered the file
> name clicked Import and then I got on the bottom of the page message
> saying "Got 1 entities to write to the datasource". I was importing
> products and when I search for these products they are not in ofbiz.
> What other steps I have to do to import data ?
> Michal
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jacopo Cappellato" <[hidden email]>
> To: "OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 12:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - XLS to XML
>> Hi michal,
>> yes the paths are absolute paths of the server.
>> These are the fields you should fill:
>> Data Filename or URL: --> the path to the csv file
>> Definition Filename or URL: --> the path to the def file
>> Data File Definition Name: --> the name of the definition in the def file
>> Save to entity xml file: --> the path to the xml file you want to create
>> For example see the attached definition file.
>> It can be used to parse a csv file in the format:
>> productId#internalName#productName#description#longDescription
>> Let's say the csv file is in: \tmp\data.csv
>> and the above def file on: \tmp\product_descriptions.xml
>> and that you want to create an entity xml file called: \tmp\dataxml.xml
>> You have to set:
>> Data Filename or URL: --> \tmp\data.csv
>> Definition Filename or URL: --> \tmp\product_descriptions.xml
>> Data File Definition Name: --> "descriptions"
>> Save to entity xml file: --> \tmp\dataxml.xml
>> The \tmp\dataxml.xml will be created, then you can easily import it into
>> OFBiz.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Jacopo
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