> This week's development summary is here:
> r-6108_11.html
> Questions for -
> *David*: It seems that OFBiz r 6081, you are using "EXAMPLE"
> instead of "ACCOUNTING" permissions in your new services. Also,
> may I recommend that you create some new permissions for viewing
> and creating tax authorities. One mistake I think I've made in the
> past is over using the ACCOUNTING_ADMIN permission instead of
> creating discrete permissions for operations. As a result, I'm
> dreading the inevitable refactoring to make it production ready
> right now.
> *Jacopo*: When you send order quote emails, are they recorderd as
> CommunicationEvents to the party you sent them to? We did
> something a while ago that would allow all those quotes to be
> saved, and I just wanted to make sure they still worked.
> Have a great wekend
> Si
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