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[OFBiz] Users - data model : order and payment

Posted by N Kurniawan on Nov 13, 2005; 2:39am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-data-model-order-and-payment-tp136455.html

hi all,

i need your suggestion.

when i looked into ofbiz data model (ofbiz 5810), i found invoice and
invoice_item in the invoicing system, but i didnt find the same thing
in ordering system. i only find order_item and order_item_type
(purchase order, work order, etc) and also order_type.

my question is, where is the information about supplierID (party) for
the purchase order stored?

i plan to create order table based on invoice table. is it the best
solution for my problem? it will handle purchase order and work order.
the work order will transfer items from warehouse to other facilities.

about supplier payment, my user want to pay them using something
called voucher. there is two type of it. type 1, only contains
description for each purchase order and their values. type 2, only
contains description for other vouchers and their values in summary.

what is the best solution, regarding the current ofbiz data model?
should i create payment_item table, i dont see it exists, and add 2
voucher type to payment_type?

thanks in advance,

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