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Re: [OFBiz] Users - data model : order and payment

Posted by Si Chen-2 on Nov 14, 2005; 11:11pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-data-model-order-and-payment-tp136455p136456.html

N Kurniawan wrote:

>hi all,
>i need your suggestion.
>when i looked into ofbiz data model (ofbiz 5810), i found invoice and
>invoice_item in the invoicing system, but i didnt find the same thing
>in ordering system. i only find order_item and order_item_type
>(purchase order, work order, etc) and also order_type.
>my question is, where is the information about supplierID (party) for
>the purchase order stored?

>i plan to create order table based on invoice table. is it the best
>solution for my problem? it will handle purchase order and work order.
>the work order will transfer items from warehouse to other facilities.
it's already there.  What you call work order is the ofbiz "work effort."

>about supplier payment, my user want to pay them using something
>called voucher. there is two type of it. type 1, only contains
>description for each purchase order and their values. type 2, only
>contains description for other vouchers and their values in summary.
>what is the best solution, regarding the current ofbiz data model?
>should i create payment_item table, i dont see it exists, and add 2
>voucher type to payment_type?
Payment is a master payment, and PaymentApplication can be used to
detail how it is broken out.

>thanks in advance,
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