order_roles has the parties of an order. Try creating a purchase order
and look at it.
>On 11/15/05, Si Chen <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>>N Kurniawan wrote:
>>>hi all,
>>>i need your suggestion.
>>>when i looked into ofbiz data model (ofbiz 5810), i found invoice and
>>>invoice_item in the invoicing system, but i didnt find the same thing
>>>in ordering system. i only find order_item and order_item_type
>>>(purchase order, work order, etc) and also order_type.
>>>my question is, where is the information about supplierID (party) for
>>>the purchase order stored?
>i can't find field that has supplier (party_id) information in
>order_header. the closest field can be used is origin_facility_id. but
>i dont think this is what i need.
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