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[OFBiz] Users - Removing the Model 2 architecture

Posted by NoMojoMofo on Nov 15, 2005; 12:24am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Removing-the-Model-2-architecture-tp136484.html

I am looking into the eCommerce, Order management,
etc... aspects of OFBiz for one of our applications
but in order to use OFBiz, I need to do 2 things:

1) be able to deploy the whole application as a one or
more webapps bundled in wars on to existing Tomcat 5
Servlet Containers.

2) be able to remove the Model 2 architecture and use
applications directly from our internal templating
language (written in java).  My company uses it's own
templating language (written in java).  I can extend
the language easily but need information on which
ofbiz objects to 'bootstrap' and how to do that.

Any recommendations on docs I might have missed or
starting places in the code or apis I could use?

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