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Re: Users - Purchase order - receipt not updating remaining figure

Posted by Daniel Goodwin on Feb 16, 2006; 11:15am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Purchase-order-receipt-not-updating-remaining-figure-tp137395p137396.html

Ok I see - so remaining is number of items still on
order (original
order qty - number cancelled)
I think I would like to extend the status then to say,
perhaps number
received and number rejected, though as most of these
are attached to
shipments or inventory receipts it is not
striaghtforward - Anyway it
will give me a useful introduction to see if I can
understand how the
product works to attempt this


Si Chen wrote:

>That is how it is right now.  It would be nice
Remaining = Ordered -
>Cancelled.  It would be nice if it also tallied up
the other figures.

>Daniel Goodwin wrote:
>>SVN 6670
>>I have created and received a PO using created
>>However the Order screen continues to show the
>>complete amount remaining,
>>eg Order has single line for GZ-1005 (30 of)
>>Order items detail of order status shows
>>Ordered :30
>>Cancelled :0
>>Remaining : 30
>>Have I missed something? or does the Remaining line
>>mean something different to what I might expect
>>(outstanding items to be received)

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