Re: Users - UK Seed Data
Posted by
Daniel Goodwin on
Feb 16, 2006; 11:16am
I will put together a list of what I think is needed
(over next week)
and post here for your suggestions
I am still learning the layout/framework so it will be
useful exercise
Ian Gilbert wrote:
>Hi Daniel,
>I did some of this a while ago. You should see a UK
specific file in the
>data but it's a uilabels file and not a seed file.
I've been meaning to
>do this for a while so I could test out the opentap
stuff but haven't got
>too far on it. Would be happy to help if you are
starting it. I've done
>various mods of this and am reasonably familiar with
it. It would
>probably have to wait 'till the weekend though.
>Best wishes
>On Tue, February 14, 2006 12:24, Daniel Goodwin
>>Before I start, has anyone made an attempt to create
>>UK basic seed data and settings (i.e. spellings of
>>check vs cheque etc) VAT settings ...
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