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Re: Users - UK Seed Data

Posted by Ian Gilbert on Feb 14, 2006; 9:08pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-UK-Seed-Data-tp137403p137405.html

Hi Daniel,

I did some of this a while ago.  You should see a UK specific file in the
data but it's a uilabels file and not a seed file.  I've been meaning to
do this for a while so I could test out the opentap stuff but haven't got
too far on it.  Would be happy to help if you are starting it.  I've done
various mods of this and am reasonably familiar with it.  It would
probably have to wait 'till the weekend though.

Best wishes


On Tue, February 14, 2006 12:24, Daniel Goodwin wrote:

> Before I start, has anyone made an attempt to create
> UK basic seed data and settings (i.e. spellings of
> check vs cheque etc) VAT settings ...
> Daniel
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