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Re: Users - update on accounting/general ledger development

Posted by amailx-ofbiz on Feb 15, 2006; 12:24am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-update-on-accounting-general-ledger-development-tp137410p137411.html

I don't have much knowledge of what do and don't for GPL.

Do you have/ Can you Please Put together a very short Guide for Dummies
for that GPL'ed code.


--- Si Chen <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello everyone.  I wanted to tell you about an important change with
> the
> ongoing accounting/general ledger (accountingext) development in
> OFBiz.
> We will soon be releasing most of the files in the accountingext
> repository to the main OFBiz accounting component.  This would
> include
> screens and services for managing invoices and payments; configuring
> internal accounting organizations; printing checks and invoices as
> PDFs;
> and posting transactions to the general ledger.
> A small minority of the files, responsible for posting transactions
> such
> as invoices, payments, inventory changes, and returns to the general
> ledger; generating financial reports such as trial balances, income
> statements, and balance sheets; and user and technical documentation
> will be transferred out to a separate Open Source Strategies, Inc.
> repository.  We will then continue the development of a full featured
> "Financials" module, which would include ledger postings, financial
> reporting, and traditional AR/AP, in this repository.  This
> Financials
> module will be fully compatible with OFBiz, using the same entities,
> architecture, and tools.
> We will be releasing this repository under both GPL and commercial
> licenses within the next few days.  You will be able to access the
> repository for a download, and as soon as it is stable, we will be
> making a release.  Currently, for example, the returns posting is not
> working properly due to the large re-factoring of the returns feature
> in
> OFBiz we're doing.
> What does this mean?  I hope this would mean the following:
> 1.  You will have access to a free accounting application that is
> fully
> integrated with OFBiz.
> 2.  The availability of an accounting application should help OFBiz
> adoption.
> 3.  We will hopefully be able to fund its ongoing maintenance and
> development through the sale of commercial licenses, in addition to
> sponsored development and community contributions.
> We're currently setting up a repository and moving files into it.  As
> soon as it's ready for access, I will write with the access
> information.
> Thanks,
> Si
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