No one on this list is buying your self proclaimed superiority. You've
demonstrated to everyone that you're not that skilled - you can't even follow a
simple setup guide.
Please do everyone a favor and use another software product. Your pompous
arrogance is just a waste of bandwidth.
> Ho we go again....we've been thru this before!!
> The reality of what your sugesting is laughable. Easy for you to say but
> in reality very different story. You have no idea about QA, release
> management or production environments upgrades. If you had any real
> world experience with product software development you'd provide an
> upgrade path and releases -
> Talk to me when you get a real job and learn about real world software
> development process. I can teach you.
> You just sound like another developer form the consultant world who's
> been stuck in code and fix mode with no responsibility. I interview your
> type every day and stamp your file with no hire all the time....
> Yeah I should be dealing with Sequoia. I'm in the wrong place. I'll
> write a test that reproduces the steps and submit it to them. In the
> mean time I'll go back to the real world.
> On 2/15/06, *David E. Jones* <
[hidden email]
> <mailto:
[hidden email]>> wrote:
> Yes, details please. On the public list isn't a problem, the more
> people who know about them the more likely they will be fixed...
> As for the passwords: this is yet another area where the Basic
> Production Setup Guide can be helpful.
> As for pulling "your" site: if you are using an old version and not
> maintaining it yourself or working with others to resolve issues you
> find in it (like with Sequoia/OpEnTaps), and you're not keeping up
> with the latest changes and bug fixes, then pulling the site and
> moving to something that you will maintain is nothing short of an
> _excellent_ way to go.
> -David
> On Feb 15, 2006, at 11:32 AM, Andrew Dupa wrote:
> > How secure is Ofbiz?
> >
> > Am I the only one concerned about the security holes? I would
> > happily detail those that i found but not publically on the list
> > for those poor soles still using it. I'm pulling my site
> > immediately and moving to another platform.
> >
> > Oh and by the way if you're using a production site make sure you
> > change all the admin, demoadmin passwords you wouldn't belive how
> > many I found that didn't on your end users list.
> >
> >
> >
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