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Re: Users - Security

Posted by David E. Jones on Feb 15, 2006; 7:01pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Security-tp137421p137435.html

On Feb 15, 2006, at 11:53 AM, Andrew Dupa wrote:

> Ho hum....here we go again....we've been thru this before!!

Yes, I guess we all must enjoy it!

>  The reality of what your sugesting is laughable. Easy for you to  
> say but in reality very different story. You have no idea about QA,  
> release management or production environments upgrades. If you had  
> any real world experience with product software development you'd  
> provide an upgrade path and releases -

It's not a matter of experience, it's a matter of money. I can only  
afford so much quality control and bug fixing personally, so if other  
people and organizations (ie users of OFBiz) don't get involved, then  
they'll have to wait until I or someone else does it for them...

> Talk to me when you get a real job and learn about real world  
> software development process. I can teach you.
> You just sound like another developer form the consultant world  
> who's been stuck in code and fix mode with no responsibility. I  
> interview your type every day and stamp your file with no hire all  
> the time....

Thank the maker I'm not looking for a job!

>  Yeah I should be dealing with  Sequoia. I'm in the wrong place.  
> I'll write a test that reproduces the steps and submit it to them.  
> In the mean time I'll go back to the real world.

I don't, I kind of enjoy these little interruptions from "the real  
world". But yeah, back we go...


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